The Unreleased Mario Game

I was walking from school one day... and then, I saw it. There was an old man, perhaps in his late 60's, selling some junk in front of his house. ''Must be a garage sale, ''I thought, seeing the "EVERYTHING MUST GO" sign. I walked over to the house, looking for anything that caught my interest. Then, I saw it.
A Mario game, for the 3DS.
"Sir, how much is this?" I asked politely.
"'S free, take it."
I felt rather guilty just snatching it away, so I left one cent on the table. I began to run home, and finally made it back.
I ran straight to my room, and put the Mario game down. The title read "


instead of Mario, being that the "a" was written over to look like a "U". It was in a bloody, crimson color. I opened it to get the game card and put it in the slot of my ''New 3DS XL. ''The familiar Mario tune began to start up. Suddenly, there was a flash of red... and the game began to load, without me pressing anything at all.
It began with Mario sitting on a bench. He looked down onto the floor, looking rather depressed, which was odd for a kids' game. I shrugged it off, and the tune continued to play, but began to get slower and slower...
Mario finally spoke.
I was able to control the plumber now. I made him walk forward, stomping on a few Goombas and other enemies, until I reached a pipe. Without my control, Mario jumped down. Velvet began to drip from the pipe, and from the room itself.
"Luigi..." Mario repeated this.
Suddenly, Luigi began to form. He looked over at Mario, holding a knife. He pointed the weapon at his brother, smiling.
Mario looked over at him, silent.
Luigi spoke again.
Suddenly, the screen flashed from red and black, over and over. There was an image of a sandwich being sliced into pieces. Mario stared at it soullessly, and walked away, flying out of the pipe.
My ''New 3DS XL'' turned itself off.
I left my room, setting the machinery onto my night-table. I took a stroll outside. Everywhere I looked, a silhouette of Mario began to fade in and out...
I ran back to my house, about to break into tears. ''Mario is just a kids' game, there has to be a reason for these hallucinations. ''Once I had made it back home, the world around me began to turn into a void. Sucking out all life apart from one thing.
The ''New 3DS XL.''
I picked it up. The screen flickered on for me. The game, ''MURIO, ''did the same.
Luigi and Mario were staring at each other. Suddenly, the sandwich from before appeared.
As soon as the sandwich went on screen, all music stopped. The sandwich strangely had lines of dialogue.
"Please... Luigi."
The sandwich took form of other characters owned by Nintendo. Link, Red, the Miis, even the villager from Animal Crossing, as well as Kirby. The sandwich began to luster.
A knife formed in Luigi's palms, and he stabbed the sandwich.
"Nintendo is our company. Soon, it'll be MINE. Isn't that right, Mario?"
He turned around, a wicked smile on his face.
Mario leaped into the air, and squashed Luigi into oblivion. A heavily accented Italian male voice, which was very deep, began to emit volume from my ''New 3DS XL. '' "This is our company.. no. My company, Luigi. Don't you see?" Luigi's sprite hadn't faded away. No, it was a rotting corpse that began to rot very quickly. Then, Mario snickered.
"Thank you for playing my game."
"All made by.. Mario."
The screen faded away, and I felt as if I began to as well.
Suddenly, everything had gone black.
Then, my eyes began to flutter open, taking in what was around me. My head felt empty, lacking thoughts.
"Where am I..?"
I looked around at the scenery. Whatever had happened, I couldn't remember it. Apart from one thing. I was in the Mushroom Kingdom, and I had to bring offering to King Mario, so that he wouldn't banish or murder me.
..though, words still stung in my mind, buzzing over and over, repeating themselves, wanting to be heard.